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Sopiko Barnovi Artisan Technique 6 - Medium.jpg
Leah Beth Fishman Portfolio 11 - Medium.jpg


Leah describes her journey into the world of gilding as a “series of accidents” brought about by a love of restoration. Though she grew up surrounded by artists it wasn’t until she was studying art at FIT that she became acquainted with the art of gilding through a class involving restoration techniques for antiquities. Her teacher later took her on as an apprentice when the department suddenly shut down the program, igniting Leah’s passion for the art and setting her on the path to becoming a talented gilder.


A chance encounter through a friend led Leah to her next mentor, a master gilder who helped to hone her skills in architectural gilding for interiors and exteriors, gilt furniture and objects, verre églomisé, and beyond. Now Leah is on the Board of Trustees for the Society of Gilders and her works of art have graced the covers of Architectural Digest.


Exhibiting the traditional techniques of this ancient art form with a modern aesthetic is an aspiration of Leah's, and she is always experimenting with innovative textures in her carved gilt creations. Her work can be admired around the world in places such as in the Oval Office, Rockefeller Plaza, Tiffany & Co. stores, and historic landmarks. Leah's creativity and dedication will continue to shine in projects of any scale.

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